About Us

Beginning as a passion project, KevinsOffroad.com (KOR) has become a trusted resource for the offroading and 4x4 community. Back in 1996, KOR founder Kevin was working in the hotel industry when he began to dabble in website development. While designing some websites, he realized he had tons of pictures of his own Jeep and all the modifications he’d done on it, including some Jeep parts he designed and built himself, so he put up a website about his original Rock Sliderz.

One day,  he got an email asking why there were no prices listed for the Rock Sliderz.  Kevin came up with a price, and then was shocked when the guy ordered a set and told him he was sending a check in the mail!  Kevin got to work building his second set of Rock Sliderz and hoped that they would fit his first customer’s Jeep as well as they fit his own.  The install went surprisingly well; Kevin added the price to his website…and the business of building Hard-KOR Jeep parts was born!

Today, KevinsOffroad.com offers more than 500 different products for Jeep, Toyota, Ford, Dodge, and Chevy.  Many of the products were designed by Kevin in the early days and have been used, abused, tried and tested.  People continue to rave about KOR’s customer service and the top-notch treatment they get from the KOR crew.  All you have to do is read through the blogs, comments and testimonials on this site to see how much time and effort Kevin and the KOR staff puts into making sure customers are thrilled with their KOR experience.

Click the images to meet the KOR crew. 


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