Read this to see the cutest KOR customer ever
June 4, 2018
Guys, many of you already know that I'm a "Big" (mentor) in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. My "little", Miles, is the cutest kid you've ever seen, and we've been "matched" for about 2 years now.
Miles does not have a father around, so I've been "standing in", teaching him "man-stuff", like replacing the intertube and adjusting the chain on his bicycle, taking him offroading, doing some rock climbing with him in the Phoenix Rock Gym, and hitting the Science Museum. He's 10 years old, and there is a picture of him here:
Enter the Contest
or here: Big Brothers Bowl For Kids Sake (same link)
This Saturday, I'm doing a funds-raising event with BBBS to donate $$ to keep this great organization running. It costs them, on average, around $1,000 per "match" made. I know when I signed up, they did a background check, fingerprints, reference checks, and so on...there's a lot of "admin" expense.
I'm doing a promotion here at KOR to assist in raising funds. For those of you generously willing to make a donation to this organization BY FRIDAY NIGHT, I'm going to give out a $50 Hard-KOR Gift Card to one of you guys (names drawn from a hat) and I'm going to personally write each and everyone who donates, a hand-written thank you note, in gratitude for your financial assistance with this. Furthermore, for the largest single donation, I'm going to give YOU one of our Flex-fit Logo'd hats, an autographed (Miles and me both) KevinsOffroad.com Logo'd t-shirt in your size, AND, another $50 Hard-KOr Gift Card! This is the least I can do for being so generous, and assisting with a GREAT cause...one that I believe in so wholeheartedly, that I put my money where my mouth is, and donate both $ and time to this program.
Will you please join me in placing a young kid with an older "brother" or "sister" so that they can benefit from that relationship? It's extremely rewarding for me, as a mentor, and I'm certain Miles is going to grow up a better kid because of it. All tax-deductible donations need to be in BY FRIDAY EVENING in order to count in the contest, however, BBBS is MORE than happy to accept them all year long. ;-)
Please click this link to donate, even a small amount: Please Help by Donating Even a small amount
or here: Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowling Fundraiser (same page, different link)
Thank you so much, and most graciously and thankfully,
Kevin Fell

Last chance…Friday night PM is the cut off for this contest, and the opportunity to positively affect some young kids lives who don’t have one of their parents around. We’ve got Gift Cards waiting for you!!
I’ll donate to this most worthy cause. Big Brothers/Big Sisters fills such an important need for so many boys and girls. And the reward to the “Big” is so amazing too! I’m so proud of you, Kevin.
Hey Kevin, thanks so much for sharing your story. Hearing how this has changed your life will really help recruit others to become Bigs or donors to our program and in turn, help more kids like Miles. Thanks for being a mentor and a role model!
Pete (new CEO of Big Brother Big Sister of Central AZ)